MOKIP has a website. Please visit

MOKIP is a waypoint in France.

Airspace waypoints are made by 5 letters words which are relatively easy to pronounce. MOKIP is such a word. It is a waypoint over France.

Aircraft flying can follow routes, those routes pass through waypoints such as Mokip, or Agopa.


This picture shows the cockpit of a small one engine aircraft, a Piper PA28, flying over french airspace, in the vicinity of MOKIP.

Where is MOKIP?

Appart from being on, MOKIP as a waypoint can be seen here on this chart, south of Dijon, north of Lyon, west of Genève.


So next time you fly from the UK to Italy or Geneva. Or from the US to Italy, Greece, or even Dubai, for exemple. There is a real possibility you will fly over MOKIP.
Enjoy the flying.

MOKIP website

The MOKIP website is simple, yet it follows most recommendations.

MOKIP website

There are many waypoints all over the airspace. Here are a few: